Tuesday 16 October 2012

Brief Plan of Movie Trailer

-Two young sisters, around the age of 4, are playing in the garden. The beginning of the trailer will display innocence and simplicity. Some slow motion shots and non diagetic music will be added to give a dramatic and warm feel to the trailer. A voice over from one of the sisters will also be included to introduce the story to the audience.
-One single mid/long shot will show the two sisters in bed asleep and arms creeping around one of the sisters and taking her away. The use of one shot builds tension and doesn’t give away the identity of the kidnapper.
-The trailer then continues to show the remaining sister around 14 years later looking through old photographs. An over the shoulder shot shows her holding a picture of her when she was younger with another little girl (her sister).  The music comes to a holt to show shock.
-Various shots of the sister and her mum are used of them talking around the table, she is upset/angry why she was taken and why she doesn’t remember. Fast paced non diagetic music is used to show her feelings.
-A variety of shots are now shown of the sister writing letters to her lost sister to find her. Gentle non diagetic music is playing softly in the back to mirror her feelings and give a sad feel to this part of the trailer. A voice over of her reading the letter is played over the music to give the impression she is reading it in her head.
-The same applies to the other sister.
-To show time passing, the letters skim/fly past the camera, with shots of the sisters writing underneath these shots. This is a layering technique which I will use to show progression.  
-A shot of the main sister is shown of her leaving the house, with excitement.
-She makes her way to the meeting point where she will meet her sister for the first time in 14 years.
-Various fast paced shots, shown quickly one after another to build tension, of the sisters walking around looking for one another. Non diagetic music plays softly in the background.
-An over the shoulder shot is used of the sisters crossing paths. One shouts the others name and the run towards each other.
-Once they reach each other and hug, the singing begins in the song to give a goose bump effects.
- The trailer then continues to show the sisters happy holding each other with the film title finishing.
(In various parts of the trailer, text will appear to explain, highlight and demonstrate parts of the film)

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