Friday 13 July 2012

The Notebook (2007) Trailer Analysis

The Notebook trailer begins with a shot of a man on a lake by a white house with white birds surrounding him. This shot demonstrates simplicity and peacefulness. The white portrays innocence and purity. This establishing shot gives the audience a sense of what the film will be like. The non diagetic music is a gentle piece on a piano which creates a soft and loving feel. During the trailer, a voice over from an elderly man paints a picture of what the film is about in the style of a story. He describes the background of the main characters and then a long shot shows the man telling the story to a woman around the same age as him. 

Once the characters have been introduced, the elderly man continues to tell the story of Noah and Ally of how they met and fell in love. The same non diagetic music continues as various shots of Noah and Ally are shown. Some shots included are long shots of the two of them by the lake, a medium shot of Ally on a rope swing and another long shot of them jumping of a boat. These shots portrays innocence and simplicity. These shots are very stereotypical ideas of couples portraying innocence.

In this screen shot, Ally’s swimming costume represents wealth. Purple is a colour associated with the rich and royal. Ally is from a wealthy home, however Noah is from the country. Noah’s hat is a light grey which represents sadness and poverty, he may have been feeling lonely or gloomy before he met Ally. 

This long shot shows a contrast in characters and lifestyles. Every person present in this shot is wearing white, except Noah. The white in this case shows power and wealth, and the black shirt Noah is wearing portrays an out casting image.  Noah is also towards the end of the table which represents where he is placed in society. Because Noah is poor, he is looked down on. 

As we begin to understand the story, the voice overs pause for a while to let the fast paced editing create tension. The music becomes more uplifting and louder to generate a certain mood for the audience. 

The two shots above are of Noah and Ally and the elderly couple. The cross fade effects goes from the elderly couple to Noah and Ally to show the similarities they share. Noah and Ally are both wearing red which stereotypically is associated with love. Red can also symbolise passion, excitement and strong emotions which Noah and Ally and the film explore. 

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