Friday 29 June 2012

What is a film trailer?

A film trailer or preview is an advertisement which displays points in the film that will interest a certain audience to watch the full film in cinema. Trailers consist of a series selected shots from the film being advertised. The purpose of the trailer is to attract an audience to the film, the editors take the most exciting, funny, or remarkable parts of the film.
Today, trailers are advertised on radio, television, billboards, internet and before a cinema screening. Before, trailers used to be shown after the screening had ended, but the viewing audience would leave after the film was shown, therefore the trailers were no use.
Film trailers are now a popular on DVD and Blu-Ray Discs, as well as the internet and other devices. Of some 10-billion videos watched online annually, film trailers rank #3 in the highest watched videos.
In earlier decades of cinema, trailers were only one part of the entertainment. Cinemas display short cartoon sketches and serial adventure episodes. These earlier trailers were much shorter and often consisted of little more than title cards and stock footage. Today, trailers are longer and elaborate.

File:Aldrich Attack movie trailer screenshot (5).jpg
1956 Attack Trailer