Tuesday 8 January 2013


Here is the link to my evaluation presented on Prezi.


Friday 4 January 2013

Final Product of Magazine Front Cover

I made some changes to the magazine front cover such as, more pictures, layout and the text. 'The Journey' stands out more and it more noticeable. 

First Magazine Design

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Email of conformation

Here is a print screen of an email I sent to Edwina Hayes asking her permission to use her song 'Feels Like Home' in my film trailer.  

Below is the reply from Edwina Hayes granting me permission to use her song. 

Film Trailer (Link to Youtube)

Here is the link to the final product of my film trailer. 
Simply highlight the link below, right click then select copy. The paste the link in the URL bar at the top of the internet browser.


Monday 5 November 2012

Matt Cardle - Amazing

This is a song I chose to feature in my film trailer. I felt the lyrics are a perfect match for the story seeing as two sisters are once taken from each other but in later years reunited.
The lyrics from the chorus read :
How did you find me?
You came out of nowhere like lightening,
It's kind of amazing how you found me
Through all the noise somehow
The lyrics are very much suited to the trailer and will bring a sense of happiness to the trailer.

Here is the link to Matt Cardle's Youtube chanel and his song Amazing